Meet Your Favorite

New Employee

A fully-trained AI Chatbot that:

Meet Your Favorite

New Employee

A fully-trained AI Chatbot that:

Never Gets Sick

Never Sleeps

Never Needs Vacation

Replies Right Away

Easily Trained

We'll help you train your chatbot from your website, FAQs, and even Google Docs

Easily Taught

Thumbs-down any responses you don't like and the bot will ask you how it should have replied

Easily Customized

Customize the look and feel of your chatbot to match your company's branding

Playground Included

Privately converse with your bot to test and tweak replies

Powerful AI Models

Your chatbot runs on the latest and greatest of GPT models

Private & Secure

Your data is hosted on secure servers with robust encryption and access control.

73% of users

expect websites to feature chatbots for convenient interactions.

74% of internet users

prefer using chatbots for simple questions.

87.2% of consumers

rate their interactions with bots as either neutral or positive.

3X faster

Chatbots have remarkably accelerated response times, answering 3 times faster on average.

Right Answers, Right On Time

Free up your staff's time and let your AI webchat widget handle questions from your website!

Discover how AI can revolutionize

your business today.

Schedule A Demo Now!

Streamline operations, Boost productivity, and achieve your goals effortlessly.


Business automation.

Social media management.

Automatic nurturing.

Birthday reminders.

Web chat bot.

Email & SMS marketing.

Phone Auto dialer


Accept payments

Booking Bot

Calendar with bot

Landing page builder.

Forms & survey.

Membership and Courses.

Plus, much much more,.

AI - Solution:

Ai bot Booking on Calendar

24 hr. Chat bot working website

FAQ 's Answered by Chat bot.

Ai Missed call auto callback.

Human Resources managed by chat box.

AI interviewing employees.

Copyright 2024 AdZAP ®

Smart AI for today's Business.™

All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this website by AdZAP Inc. is generated or assisted by artificial intelligence. While our AI writing assistant is designed to provide high-quality and engaging content, we make no warranty or representation regarding its accuracy, reliability, or completeness. Users are advised to independently review and verify all information before making any decisions based on it. AdZAP Inc. shall not be held liable for any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in the content provided.